UPSC PRELIMS Exam Preparation in Surat: Tips and Tricks from Bubna’s IAS

Do you want to become a civil servant? Now is the right time to start preparing for the 2025 UPSC exam if you want to ace the exams. Prelims can seem intimidating, considering they cover several topics to prepare. The added pressure of the qualification cut-off makes it even more tough. We understand the situation and the situation of the students. Therefore, we have discussed some tips & tricks for UPSC PRELIMS exam preparation in Surat.

Importance of prelims exam in UPSC

The first step to becoming a civil servant is passing the preliminary exams, followed by the Mains and Interview round. It is a screening test to select eligible candidates with the skills to take the pressure. Therefore, it is the most important exam for all UPSC aspirants. The UPSC prelims exam has two types of papers: General Studies I for academic topics and General Studies II (CSAT) for aptitude tests. With the right strategy and the UPSC classes in Surat, you can easily study and ace the prelim exams.

Tips & Tricks for UPSC PRELIMS Exam Preparation in Surat

Following are the tips and tricks to help you with UPSC PRELIMS exam preparation in Surat:

UPSC Prelims Exam Preparation in Surat

Prepare a suitable study plan

The first thing you must do to prepare for the exams is a study plan.

A study plan for UPSC PRELIMS exam preparation in Surat includes:

  •  Scheduling which subject to prepare and when to prepare.
  • Scheduling your UPSC classes in Surat.
  • Breaks for rest and leisure activities.

Prepare a schedule that helps you study the best hours, breaks, or rest periods to feel refreshed.

The first step is to divide your subjects into small chunks. It could be based on the difficulty of the topic, its relation to other issues, or anything that fits your style. It will help you prepare and remember things better. Set a goal for the day to prepare for certain problems or solve a specific number of questions for a topic. It makes learning the syllabus much more manageable.

Bubna’s IAS can help you prepare a personalized study plan to help you learn and retain information better. We help you schedule the UPSC classes for each subject to make learning easy and fun.

Refer to quality study material

The study material is important for UPSC PRELIMS exam preparation in Surat. For academic topics, you can refer to existing books like NCERT, which have been prepared and authorized by experts. It is perfect to strengthen the foundation of academic subjects. Additionally, you can refer to other credible reference books for both GSI and CSAT papers.

At Bubna’s IAS, we have a team of experts who prepare quality study material for students in our UPSC classes in Surat. The material includes reference books, personal subject-wise notes, and other sources for study material. It is one of the main reasons we are considered one of the best UPSC classes in Surat.

Keep an eye on Current affairs

While academics are an important part of the prelim exam for UPSC, current affairs are equally important. One of the important traits of a civil servant is to be updated with all that happens in the country. Therefore, watch the news, magazines, and other sources.

Bubna’s IAS provides you with the right sources to learn about current affairs. We also have a special current affairs for UPSC classes in Surat.

Repeat what you study regularly

We humans have brains with limited capacities. There is little we can remember at a time. So, to ensure that the information is stored longer in our brains, you must repeat what you have learned regularly. By going through the topic, you should retrace the information and brush up on the details.

Bubna’s IAS helps you schedule the study plan so that you can repeat the topics you have covered. We arrange sessions or even reference them between classes to help you connect one topic to another to make learning easy and interesting.

Attempt mock tests regularly

Once you test it, you only know you learned or excelled in an art form. Similarly, you only see if you have learned enough about a topic once you test it. So, once you have learned all the issues in a subject, you must take a mock test to gauge your knowledge. It will help you know your standings, strengths, and weaknesses.

Bubna’s IAS, being the best UPSC classes in Surat, arranges regular mock tests for our students. Our team of experts prepares the papers to help them give a taste of real exams. The test is taken after a subject or a few crucial topics have been covered and revised. We provide our students with personalized feedback to help them identify their weaknesses and strengths.

Keep your health in check

A healthy body and mind are the primary requisites to ace the UPSC prelim exams. Eating nutritious meals and exercising energizes your body, and meditating energizes your mind. Indulge yourself in some leisure time to relax. It will help you keep up the motivation and prepare with a fresh mind.


If you want to become a civil service officer by cracking UPSC, it is time to start preparing for the UPSC PRELIMS exam preparation in Surat. To pass the UPSC prelim exams, you must pass two papers: GSI and CSAT. It includes preparing for diverse academic topics and current affairs and honing your aptitude skills. So, start by dividing the subject and issues to make the learning process easy. Refer to quality study material and repeat what you have learned. Test your knowledge with the mock test to know your standing on a topic and work to improve where you lack. The UPSC classes in Surat by Bubna’s IAS help you with regular mock tests and feedback. Additionally, you must care for your body and mind to give 100% in the exam.

Are you ready to take your first step to fulfill your dream of becoming a civil service officer? Book a free class in Bubna’s IAS to learn how we help our students achieve their dreams.


How should I prepare for the current affairs for the UPSC Prelims exam?

To prepare for current affairs, you must follow the news, read magazines, and attend current affairs classes organized by Bubna’s IAS. We also update our students about the notable happenings worldwide to help them save time and energy.

Does Bubna’s IAS provide a free demo class for UPSC classes in Surat?

Yes! We understand that selecting the right UPSC coaching is pivotal in your journey. So, we offer a free demo of our UPSC classes in Surat so the students can understand how the classes work and how we help our students through their journey.

How do I get motivated to prepare for the UPSC Prelims exam preparation in Surat?

When you are preparing for such a crucial exam, stress is inevitable. So, if you lose motivation while preparing for the UPSC prelims, relax; it’s normal. However, the right amount of rest, healthy food, regular leisure time, and remembering your ultimate goals help you boost your motivation.

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